
Small things

Much of humankind lives in a cycle of work-pleasure-work. Work to fund the far-spaced moments of pleasure of travelling, buying stuff etc. We should all have big dreams and goals. Travelling far and wide. Buying things that make us happy. But in chasing those bigger dreams, we should not let go of smaller moments that make us happy. A walk in the park, singing along to your favourite playlist, a long drive or a solo visit to the cafe.

β€œIt’s not the greatest but the little things that show us the path and guide us home.” ― Bhuwan Thapaliya

The smallness of these enables us to experience them often. They are effortless. They don't need meticulous planning or budget. You can find these moments daily sometimes even hourly.

Cherish the small things as much as you do the big things. These matter a lot more than you think.

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